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News & Events


Cosmos Montessori Fundraiser

As an intentionally small learning community funding is an inevitable obstacle. Cosmos would like to thank our phenomenal parent committee for organizing this fundraising opportunity to support the children!


Please support Cosmos Montessori's first "Read-A-Thon" fundraiser! During the month of April, Cosmos students are challenged to read at least 400 minutes. Students are collecting pledges by 20-minute reading sessions OR general donations to fundraise a goal of $2,500. Money raised will help support the cost of field trips and other fun learning experiences for students.

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Día de los Muertos 2023

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a holiday transitional to México in which family and friends gather to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. Often deceased loved ones are honored using calaveras (skulls), cempazúchitl (marigold flowers), and ofrendas (home altars).


This year students in both Children's House and Elementary joined in the traditional festivities by creating ofrendas in their classrooms. Children brought pictures of loved ones who've passed in and other traditional artifacts.

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Children's House

Cosmos Montessori School

310 East 38th Street, Suites 133-135

Minneapolis, MN 55409

(612) 444-2236

<<NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA>> es una organización sin fines de lucro y no discrimina por raza, color, origen nacional o étnico, credo, religión, sexo, discapacidad, edad, estado civil, orientación sexual o estado con respecto a la asistencia pública. Además, <<NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA>> admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades generalmente otorgados o puestos a disposición de los estudiantes en la escuela. No discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión, programas de becas y préstamos, atletismo y otros programas administrados por la escuela.

<<NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA>> es una organización 501(c)(3) sin fines de lucro

Lea nuestra Política de Privacidad

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