Our Programs
针对 3 至 6 岁儿童的蒙台梭利小学课程让孩子们有机会通过实际生活、学术工作以及社交和情感体验来建立 自信、专注和自我认同。
Elementary curriculum uses "The Great Stories" as a springboard for interdisciplinary learning.There are five Great Lessons that are introduced: The Coming of the Universe, The Timeline of Life, The Timeline of Humans, The Story of Math, and The Story of Language. In this way, children learn about their place in the universe.
Each of these lessons initiates curiosity or interests connected to other academic areas. These stories spark the imagination of Elementary students and give them a context for deeper engagement and learning.
Instead of approaching schoolwork as discrete subjects, Montessori Elementary students discover the interrelationship between subject areas and understand how math, language, science and history are connected and important for understanding and learning.
Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm.
We do not offer a half-day or part-time enrollment.
Morning & After School Care
Cosmos Montessori provides a fee-based morning care program from 7:30am to 8:30am, and an after school care program from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. For more information, please contact the school.
As a micro-school the cost of providing school bus transportation is prohibitive. For this reason, we request families arrange transportation for their children.
Lunch & Snacks
Healthy and nutritious food is important at Cosmos Montessori. Such is catered by Cafe Racer Kitchen, a Minnesota based restaurant and catering company that serves delicious, healthy, Latin American cuisine. As a public charter school, the MN free school meals program is a state funded program that provides reimbursement for meals served to all students. This means all Cosmos students receive school lunch at no cost.
Daily Routine
Our day begins with a morning welcome.
We transition to work time and presentations where a teacher leader introduces Montessori materials to individual children or in small groups.
Children are immersed in bilingual environment as we speak both Spanish and English with all children throughout the day.
Lunch, outside time, and an optional nap time follow. Kindergarten students and any preschoolers who do not nap have more time for stories, activities, and Montessori work choices in the afternoon.
Examples of group activities include:
Music, Drawing, Coloring, Dance, Gardening, Games, Yoga, Coordination & Agility, Mask Making, Watercolors, Finger Knitting, Textile Work, Science Projects.
Our day always ends with reflection and warm goodbyes.
The child who has felt a strong love for his surroundings and for all living creatures, who has discovered joy and enthusiasm in work, gives us reason to hope that humanity can develop in a new direction.
- Dr. Maria Montessori